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Publication: Alleyways of Nashville
Envisioning strategic solutions for activating Nashville's alleyways for pedestrian benefits

Publication: Reclaiming Public Space In Downtown Nashville: Vol. 2
Publication: Fairgrounds Public Meetings Report
The Design Center facilitated a series of public meetings with the Fairgrounds Design Team to get input in order to inform a more refined version of the Fairground Improvement Plan in Nashville.

Publication: AARP Community Challenge Grant
Using tactical urbanist methods to influence neighborhood change
Publication: Franklin Pike Multi-Modal Path
A study of Franklin Pike exploring the possibility of new bike lanes and enhanced mobility features in Oak Hill.
Publication: Connecting the Dots
This publication of the Civic Design Center is aimed to make us rethink how public spaces in Davidson County can be reactivated across various scales.
Publication: The Charlotte Avenue Healthy Corridor
Presenting a 20-year vision for high density, mixed-use, transit-oriented development (TOD) that incorporates principles and best practices for a comprehensive health and wellness corridor

Publication: A New East Bank Neighborhood in Nashville
University Tennessee Knoxville Design students explore a holistic design plan for envisioning new land uses of the Cumberland River's East Bank
Publication: Envision Nolensville Pike—Community, Creativity and Imagination in Placemaking
The aspirations and dreams for the Nolensville Pike corridor as expressed by residents and business owners during community gatherings
Publication: The Neuhoff Cultural Campus
A look at the UTK College of Architecture 2016 Summer Studio's project focusing on envisioning the Neuhoff Campus in East Germantown.
Publication: Placemaking Challenges + Opportunities in Metro Nashville
Reimagining and reinventing public spaces as the heart of every community
Publication: Nashville's Boathouse, Connecting Community to the Cumberland
Establishing a focal point, an object of recreation, community, and sport through a community boathouse would enhance the experience on and along the Cumberland River in Nashville
Publication: Accessing our Streets
Improving the convenience and safety of walking, cycling, and using public transit in a shared road space

Access and Livability, The Missing Middle—Retrofitting the Centers and Corridors of Nashville
Missing Middle housing types include duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes, bungalows courts, townhouses, live/work, and courtyard apartments. In addition to providing more affordability, these housing types fit into the growing demand for walkable, urban living.

Access and Livability—Neighborhood Infill Strategies, Developing Davidson County
Georgia Tech University and the University of Tennessee students develop conceptual case studies for redevelopment across twelve underperforming suburban sites within Davidson County
Access and Livability: Transit-Oriented Development, The Franklin Corridor
University of Tennessee Knoxville Design students explore Transit-Oriented Development in Nashville neighborhoods to promote accessibility and affordability

Access and Livability: Retrofitting Antioch, Designing a Nucleus for South Nashville
Re-envisioning the former Hickory Hollow Mall as a location for a mixed-use residential, retail, and transportation center will make Antioch a more coveted place to live.
Helping Weave the Transit-Oriented Development story in Lebanon, TN
Concepts for a Centennial Park Visitor Center
University of Tennessee College of Architecture and Design student concepts for a visitor center at Centennial Park.
Reclaiming Public Space—Banker's Alley
The goal of revitalizing Banker’s Alley is to highlight underutilized urban spaces and routes using interventions that emphasize social interconnectedness, cultural identity, and efficient transportation, while connecting locals and tourists.