Publication: Envision Nolensville Pike—Community, Creativity and Imagination in Placemaking

Rendering of a Potential Painted Crosswalk in South Nashville


Led by Conexión Américas and funded by the Kresge Foundation, ENVISION NOLENSVILLE PIKE maps out—literally and figuratively—the aspirations and dreams for the Nolensville Pike corridor as expressed by residents and business owners during community gatherings. A public/private partnership with the Nashville Area MPO, Transportation for America and the Civic Design Center.

Led by Conexión Américas and funded by the Kresge Foundation, ENVISION NOLENSVILLE PIKE maps out --literally and figuratively-- the aspirations and dreams for the Nolensville Pike corridor as expressed by residents and business owners during community gatherings. A public/private partnership with the Nashville Area MPO, Transportation for America and the Nashville Civic Design Center.

Design Locations

  • Nolensville Pike

  • Casa Azafrán Park


Shaping The Healthy Community: Urban Plan


Shaping The Healthy Community: Downtown Plan