Access and Livability, The Missing Middle—Retrofitting the Centers and Corridors of Nashville

Missing Middle housing types include duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes, bungalows courts, townhouses, live/work, and courtyard apartments. In addition to providing more affordability, these housing types fit into the growing demand for walkable, urban living.

As little Missing Middle housing currently exists in Nashville, the transition areas from centers to neighborhoods will provide an excellent opportunity for these typologies. The regulation of height and bulk to produce these small to mid-size footprints will provide a transitional zone between centers or corridors and neighborhoods. These housing types will locate more people close to key amenities such as transit lines and shopping. These housing types can be built at lower prices than taller buildings, and can provide structured parking.

Missing Middle housing types include duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes, bungalows courts, townhouses, live/work, and courtyard apartments. In addition to providing more affordability, these housing types fit into the growing demand for walkable, urban living. As little Missing Middle housing currently exists in Nashville, the transition areas from centers to neighborhoods will provide an excellent opportunity for these typologies.


Open Streets Nashville


Access and Livability—Neighborhood Infill Strategies, Developing Davidson County