Walk Bike Nashville

Location: 3rd Ave N | Downtown

For our Park(ing) Day installation Walk Bike Nashville installed a temporary two-way protected bike lane on 3rd Ave from Commerce to Union. This installation was intended to give people a chance to imagine what the street might look like if it had a safe, separated place to ride bicycles or scooters. Currently there are no other protected bike lanes that travel North-South through downtown -- creating a major whole in our bike lane network. This is a key connection in the Easy Ride Routes: our campaign for a network of streets that are safe and comfortable for people riding bicycles. The bike lane on 3rd has been planned for at least two years, it has undergone a rigorous community input process, and it was supported by 2,000+ people signatures in our Core Bike Lane Petition. We hope to see it permanently installed very soon.

Our temporary bike lane closely mirrored the final design. We used white pavement tape to create the lane and buffer zone, used tall traffic cones for protection, and chalk bicycle symbols.


Smith Gee Studio + Crain Construction Inc