HASTINGS PARK(ing) Day 2020

Location: Anne Dallas Dudley Blvd. | Downtown
Virtual Parklet

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Much like the experience of the urban atmosphere that surrounds Church Street Park, the experience of 2020 is characterized by contrast and connectivity. In a year where we feel distanced and divided from each other in so many ways, how do we purposefully create space for reconnection? 

By revealing spatial histories, reframing individual perspectives, and reverberating the sound signature of the site, this 8’ x 40’ parklet helps to create powerful moments of connection.

Regarding materials and methods, the parklet reclaims remnants from Nashville’s built environment. These reclaimed elements are arranged on the site to create an urban forest - a veil whose permeability depends on one’s perspective.

Nestled within this forest lies the singularity - a fragmented mirror that shifts perspectives and scales. Through these distortions, viewers draw connections between one another and the surrounding city as landmarks such as the Nashville Public Library and State Capital splice into frame. 

From engaging the passerby with variances in permeability to interweaving the views of the singularity, the parklet creates compelling connections and highlights the significance of reclaiming public space.


Full Circle Canine


Hawkins Partners Inc.