Napier Tactical Urbanism
The Civic Design Center worked with Walk Bike Nashville, Napier Elementary, and NDOT to create safe bikeways to school. Learn more about the background of how Walk Bike Nashville began this project.
Initial Designs For Bike To School 2023 Day At Napier Elementary:

On May 3, 2023, students from Napier Elementary excitedly hopped on their bikes, eager to test the new safety enhancements along Cannon St. The stretch from Charles E. Davis Blvd to the school had undergone improvements, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Walk Bike Nashville, the NDOT, and The Civic Design Center. This milestone marked the inaugural Bike to School Day event on Napier's usual walking path, aiming to not only enhance bike safety but also inject an element of fun into the students' commute. The intersection of Lafayette St and Charles E Davis Blvd had been identified as perilous for pedestrians, a concern underscored in the NDOT’s Vision Zero High Injury Network. Programs like Walk to School Day and Bike to School Day play a crucial role in promoting healthy, active modes of transportation while shedding light on the safety hurdles that students encounter daily. In a effort to address bus-related tardiness, Napier Elementary had initiated a walking school bus in Fall 2022, empowering students to take charge of their daily commute. The community spirit was further bolstered by Cand'aid's generous donation of bikes and helmets to first-graders, fostering not only physical activity but also a sense of belonging and communal support.
Napier Elementary, WBN, NDOT, and the Design Center collaborated closely to organize the Bike to School Day event while prioritizing safety considerations. Through extensive brainstorming sessions, temporary strategies were devised, paving the way for the exploration of more permanent solutions. Initially centered around the implementation of designated bike lanes, the project's focus transitioned towards the installation of additional stop signs and traffic calming measures following valuable input from the local community.
Revised Designs For Bike To School 2023 Day At Napier Elementary:

During the Bike to School Day install day, temporary materials such as paint and barriers were strategically used to establish much-needed crosswalks and traffic circles. In addition, NDOT worked on installing sturdy bike racks at the front of the school building. These efforts were all aimed at enhancing safety and promoting a secure environment for students and community members alike. The unique advantage of using temporary solutions was the ability to swiftly implement the improvements at a low cost, providing an opportunity for the community to experience and evaluate the safety enhancements firsthand.

Following the event, neighbors discussed the outcomes. They were open to supporting future community-led changes. One resident shared a unique view on bike lanes, mentioning they're not common in Napier, where people ride through yards considering every place as a bike lane due to cultural practices. To enhance clinic accessibility and address road risks, the temporary bike lane was removed. After Bike to School Day, traffic calming measures were taken out following ongoing community engagement and engineering analysis by NDOT. Feedback from town halls and meetings highlighted that traffic circles weren't favored due to difficulties in use and visibility at night.
Curb extensions were considered to slow down traffic by narrowing car lanes. Local artist Charles Key collaborated to paint bulbouts as extensions, which were installed during Fall break with community involvement. Planter boxes and delineators were tested at different intersections by NDOT to gather resident input on final installations.
The second phase bulb-outs were better received. NDOT will continue to make improvements for the Napier community following these tactical urbanism installations. This Design Center was glad to support the community's goals through this collaborative effort.