The Park on Chadwell Drive
Most Recent Update
Focus Area
Parks + Greenways
Turning Underutilized Land into a park
The Design Center is working with neighbors and community leaders in Madison to create a vision for a Park on Chadwell Drive. The park is located next to I-65, adjacent to a variety of residences, and a short distance from Chadwell Elementary. During this process, the Design Center has hosted multiple community meetings, charrettes, engaged with local students, and created initial visions based on the feedback (as of July 2023). Our final recommendations and designs can be seen on our final blog.
This project supports our Guiding Principle for Parks and Greenways. Check out the Guiding Principles to learn more about our goals.
Project Context
2022: Amazon provided funding for a community engagement process to design visioning
2021: ZMX, Inc. approached us about Metro-owned land adjacent to their development
2023: Community engagement and design visioning completed
2021: Development is in progress with residents moving in as phases are completed
Project Location
visioning and engagement process
Opportunity for neighborhood parks
Initial concept of a transformation of Chadwell Park
Madison is a suburb within Metro Nashville that encompasses about 40,000 residents in a number of neighborhoods. The area is highly residential with a major road running through its center. Regarding parks, the Madison community currently has Madison Park and Ceder Hill Park to enjoy, but those are larger in size. Madison is in need of additional neighborhood parks, as outlined in the Nashville Parks Department Plan to Play study.
Neighborhood parks are recreational spaces that provide active and passive programs, including elements such as open fields, sports courts, trails, and picnic areas. These parks typically serve the surrounding neighbors and provide much-needed green space and natural elements that can sometimes only be found in larger community or regional parks. The goal of this project is to explore a space in the neighborhood that is currently owned by Metron Parks and come up with a community design that will encourage and inform long-term changes to the park space.
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What You Can Do to Help
Contact District 3 Council Member
Plan to Play (2016)
The 2016 Plan to Play Master Plan is intended to offer a set of tools that will continue to guide deliberate decisions and provide a 10-year vision to sustainably meet the community’s needs through 2027. It identifies the amazing economic, social, and environmental values that a healthy park system returns on the investments made. The plan supports this vision with a series of findings and recommendations divided into the following categories: Land, Facilities, Programs, and Operations. The final section of the recommendations, Funding the Future, projects the recommended levels of investment needed to build and sustain the Metro Parks and Greenways system through 2027.
Nearby Development
This project was made possible with grant support from: