Nia Maddux

Harpeth Hall Intern

Nia with her friend during the holiday season seeing the enchanted lights

Nia with her brother after one of his football games

Nia visiting Paris with her family

Nia was born in Pennsylvania, but she has lived in Nashville, TN for most of her life. She enjoys STEM classes, art, and loves the community of Nashville. Nia is a High School Junior at Harpeth Hall School and is interning with the Civic Design Center during Winterim.

Nia was interested in this internship for various reasons, but one of the big ones was a fascination with design that stemmed from a 7th grade science project where she and a partner designed their own bridges. She hopes that her time with the Civic Design Center will show her what it is like to work in the field of design as well as help Nashville improve as a city.