Eric at Safe Amqui curb extension installation (summer 2019)
Eric‘s family on their front porch in Eastwood, East Nashville (summer 2020)
Eric’s family; Dani, Beulah, Wini (baby) & Murry hiking in Red River Gorge (winter 2021)
Eric holds a bachelor's degree in interior architecture from Ohio University, where he specialized in graphics and 3D models. His thesis project was an adaptive reuse concept for a high-speed rail hub in the Chicago Central Carrier Annex post office building, aimed at connecting the Midwest by train. Eric's career has encompassed diverse roles in design-related organizations, including residential architecture, medical design, furniture design, and graphic design.
Eric joined the Civic Design Center team in 2012. He was a board member of Transit Now Nashville and served as Vice President, he was part of WeGo Public Transit’s Better Bus Committee, is an alum of the ULI Health Leaders Network, was on Smart Growth America's Complete Streets Leadership Academy Committee, and has represented the Civic Design Center on the Mayor’s Sustainability Advisory Committee, served on the Technical Advisory Committee for Choose How You Move (Nashville’s 2024 Transit Improvement Program), and Connect Mid-TN transit coalition where he continues his passion for sustainability, transportation, advocacy, and design.
What Eric does at the Civic Design Center:
As Director of the Design Studio, Eric has been involved in most of the last decade of projects at the Civic Design Center in some capacity. Some of his favorites include Prioritizing Pedestrian Safety on Dickerson, envisioning a new park in Madison, and working on the New East Bank Neighborhood. Eric fully designed the Civic Design Center’s new logo and Brand Guidelines in 2020. He also manages strategic visual graphics and guides the design and style of all publications and project reports.