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Envisioning A Park Under the Bridge

  • Virtual (In-Person event is invitation only due to capacity) (map)

The Civic Design Center is partnering with Barge Design Solutions and Vanderbilt University School of Engineering to explore the possibility of transforming space below Nashville’s highways. VU students will present their year-long project, where they will have technical documents and conceptual ideas of how the space below I-40 could look. The site is located under the I-40 bridge between 2nd Ave - 4th Ave, and has potential to be transformed to a more accessible and pleasant space for the surrounding community, as well as visitors of Nashville.

This concept continues the Design Center’s initiative of Reclaiming Public Space, which focuses on how to improve our current public spaces and infrastructure with innovative and inclusive designs. There are many great precedents around the world that have shown us how to create more functional and beautiful cities. Bringing these visions together and how they can be incorporated into Nashville help push the conversation of how we, as a city, should be treating our public land and spaces.

This event is available for the public to see virtually, RSVP required. There will also be a small group of key stakeholders in the room asking questions about the project design and technical aspects.

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